Friday 25 October 2013

ArnA, Apparel With Meaning.

ArnA, Apparel With Meaning. Arna-Tag-ISWDYS500 Arna-Tag-final-ISWDYS  

ArnA Apparel at ISWDYS is a clothing label like no other. Although still an independent clothing label we strive to separate ourselves from the average, ordinary and typical designs of others.

We have a flare for alternative design and symbolism, and fuse that with photography. Using minimalist colours, such as heavy blacks and stunning whites, we really manage to pack a punch that is both visual and meaningful.
We pride ourselves on creating the best we can, using not only the best designs we can think up, but also the best materials. Our apparel will be as eco friendly as possible, because while we might want to shout and scream, we still need to look after our planet, right?
We're open to any and all ideas, as you guys are the reason we're here in the first place. We're going to build community features, such as forums and group videos and shoots to get you involved even more!
ArnA isn't just a brand, we want it to be a symbol of its own, something people can connect with.

 That’s us in a nutshell.
Be sure to check back regularly, as we only have plans to expand quickly! Meaning loads of new lines, new items and plenty of competitions, we heard you guys like those?

Follow us on Facebook at ArnA Apparel for all the latest updates.  

Welcome to the family Arna Apparel! From all of us at ISWDYS we look forward to growing hand in hand! :)

Thursday 24 October 2013

Baggy tee, jeans, boots, biker and a beanie

We're all doing it and we're bang on trend.

Baggy tee, jeans, boots,  biker and a beanie if the weather is true to season.
It looks good enough to rock out in the bakery, at the news stand, day off, dog walking. There is no social situation you can't throw on this look and not a) Get away with it. b) Pull it off.
It's the bed head go to get-up. Rough night ? Throw on the old faithful skinny jeans, the tee that screams youth and that reminisces of that poor decision to stand front at glastonbury last festival season.

Not only is it quick and easy, so you don't have to think. You also can get away with it fashion police wise too!

It's effortlessly chic, bang on trend. How lucky if, like us, after a hectic summer and full force into the last months of 2013, with a busy schedule, busy life, busy work and ever so busy play. We need help along the way.

It's that transitional month. October, not quite full gales or blistering colds. Hardly strip off and grab a tan. We need a niche little go between. Items that we can mix and match. Wear throughout the next season and especially wear to death.


Sunday 20 October 2013

Mad, Cray Cray Antics

Guys and Girls

What are we doing!?
Or more to the point what are we simply just not doing enough of!?


We've forgotton how important it is to blog and vent our thoughts and opinions!


So from this date forth we, as I'm Sorry What Did You Say we vow to tune in, nuckle down and keep you guys in the know of our mad, some what cray cray office antics.

We'll be back to talking fashion, celebs, trends, hair and make up. Good. So glad we've got that sorted.
