Monday 13 January 2014

Urban Junk Food Week!

Urban Junk Food Week!

Hello and welcome to week 3 of 2014! Whoooo. 

This week we’re focusing on food. We love a bit of nosh at I’m Sorry What Did You Say, as you guys can see from our Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr pages food is our second passion to fashion. 
When we’re not picking and packing tees, jewellery or caps, backpack or socks to ship all over the world we’re vining making coffee, picking up a subway or eating our own body weight in cake. It’s a hard life.    

Isn’t January supposed to be Urban Junk month!? 

This week is still part of Urban Junk month! Do not fear! We’re talking about food as this week we’re focusing on Urban Junk’s whacky food inspired rucksack designs. 


From burger and chips to our beloved cup cakes and strawberries and not forgetting the pop corn super duper retro movie night inspired backpack.   They really have got it all!

 I’ve banged on on more than one occasion about the epicness of the Back Attack collection. It really is one of the greatest brands ever and it’s a pleasure having it grace our shelves.  
 Here’s a little sneak peak of what’s to come this week. Each day we’ll go into detail about each one.

See the full Urban Junk Collection here.

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