Tuesday 9 April 2013

Ashtrays and Heartbreaks


 So Snoop 'Lion' is back on the music scene with Miss Miley Cyrus (Before we go any further voice your opinion on 'Snoop Dogg's' new name on our Facebook page where we're holding a pole to see what everyone prefers)

 So anyway.... this new track 'Ashtrays and heartbreaks' has so far not got anyone in the music industry overly excited. Miley fans are going crazy as she has finally released something new, after her break from 'the scene.' It's great to hear Miley's vocals they're so raw and undisturbed and we love her vocal style. Without Cyrus this track would in our opinion be rather dull. The title isn't exactly enticing and we're just not fans of Snoop Dogg's rebrand to 'Snoop Lion' - What is that!?  
We don't know either.
Anyway Have a listen for yourselves and let us know what you think of the track! Comment, Tweet us or let us know on Facebook. Feel free to tell us we're wrong as being right for the majority of the time is somewhat exhausting- we kid of course :P Have a great day y'all!

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