Friday 12 April 2013

Cartoon Couture.

So Delevingne has done it again, Cara was seen earlier in the month sporting a Bart Simpson crop jumper and accessorising with a set of killer abs.

  It's chilly Cara get a coat on!  article-0-19020C9B000005DC-147_634x669   

 Cara them went on to 'Love' magazine to strike a pose, very different from her latest Burberry  campaign!

 It must be great to wear what you want and no one bat an eyelid, if we went down the local shop they'd think we'd gone crazy especially with spongebob tagging along.

Cartoon Couture has become a bigger thing in the past couple of seasons especially in London, mixed in with grunge and alternative styles and trends, graphics, anime, art and graffiti are often seen on models on breaks and when they're jet setting around the world.

  article-2300542-18F91A68000005DC-989_634x630   CaraDelevingne2011BurberryBeauty2

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